Friday, November 30, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Oh what a Thanksgiving it was...  We had a fantastic time with Auntie Di, Grandpa Richard, Grandma Barbie, Grandma Robin, Grandpa Phil, Auntie Jenny, Maggie and Ralph.  Wonderful Turkey and fixin's were had by all.  Unfortunately Spencer made it a Thanksgiving to remember by sending almost everyone home with the flu.  We do lead and exciting life!!!


Will Riddle said...

Hi Kelly. Thanks for your comment today. Without knowing a lot about your family (except that your boys are so cute), my advice about your son would be to wait some more months and see. Kids who are late bloomers in an area often grow a lot in six months, esp over the summers. Ask your speech therapist what he/she thinks, and ask anyone else at the school if appropriate. What are your options if you don't want to send him to kindergarten for another year? More preschool? homeschool? Nothing? My guess is that if he's in the public preschool right now with an IEP, then moving him to kindergarten with an updated IEP will be no problem. They'll know how to take care of him, kindergarten is not much different from preschool, and your little one will be ahead of some others his age who are going to school for the first time. If there's going to be a problem, the first year of kindergarten is a safe place to see if he'll sink/swim.

Plus, most preschools "mainstream" their special ed kids anyway with non-special needs kids, so your son will already be used to having kids in his class without language problems---and learning from them. The teachers do this on purpose, so it won't be very different next year.

My only hesitation would be if my son were not progressing or if he had emotional issues too. If he were cognizant and embarrassed about his inabilities, or if he wasn't thriving and making progress with his IEP every semester, I'd consider holding him back. This is just off the top of my head, so forgive me. If you want to talk more at length, you can always email me at Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.